
What is the Cafe’s Edge?

  • High visibility area in Downtown Aiken
  • Cafe will be open weekly for coffee, breakfast, wraps, during the day.
  • In the evening, it will be a high-end restaurant offering healthier foods and adult beverages
  • Parking lot can serve as an area for tent parties with an outdoor Venue possible amphitheater
  • Outdoor dining on the sidewalk
  • The Cafe will have ties to the scientific and manufacturing communities .This will enhance opportunities for catering on and off site catering of corporate events.
  • Additional revenue will be generated from the meetings, events and virtual conference room rentals

This is from Nova: After attending a science cafe event 77% said that they are likely to attend another cafe event

What Are the Marketing Benefits from the Cafe?

– Highly visible and intriguing location
– Marketed internally through the cooperate sponsors HR and their programing
– The EDU will be a nonprofit so the cafe will benefit from free public service announcements for events in the local media This will benefit that cafe
– Social Media
– Benefit controversial subjects and speakers.
– School systems and clubs
– Student discounts
– Corporate Sponsor discounts
– World wide network of science cafes
– Science videos on YouTube
– Sponsor local events
– Infographics on the umbrellas
– Scientific treasure hunts in within community
– Community contests Scholarships
– Booth at SEED, Earth Day and other community scientific events
This is from Nova: After attending a science cafe event 77% said that they are likely to come back attend Cafe Event